Unlock Higher Conversion Rates With Inclusive Web Design

I provide analysis consulting and advisory services to mid-sized organizations who want to improve conversions and sales with inclusive design practices for their website and social media.

Together we can pinpoint the hidden barriers that might be costing you customers because of non-inclusive design practices.

Get started with a 20-minute chat

You’ve may have heard about web accessibility and its potential  to:

You’ve also heard that increasing numbers  of consumers cannot properly use websites that heavily rely on current design trends.

Your organization doesn’t really have the staffing, knowledge, or time to dig into the potential Return Of Investment (ROI) of focusing on accessible design... Never mind how to implement it efficiently so you can actually see that ROI!

And at the same time, your company and its employees feel a responsibility to make the world a better place through both small or big ways – inclusivity is part of your values.

This is not your fault. Period.

Websites often exclude people with disabilities, often without the creators or marketers realizing that it is happening.

It’s not your fault because there is a lack of good information and training on how to make your web design more accessible so that those consumers with disabilities can fully engage with your site and social media.

If you are in one of the following fields:

You can play an active role in making sure that your organization's website is available to as many of your target audience as possible – even if you’re not the one making the decisions.

Your organization’s leadership may not know the degree to which their business’s profits and growth may be kneecapped because of non-inclusive design.

Web accessibility requires intentional action

Organizations have to actively decide to include these practices in the design, development, social media marketing, and product management processes – or the default will be to favor current design trends with their 14 point light fonts, impossible to click-on buttons, and moving backgrounds that make some people nauseated.

This is often unintentional and not intended to exclude target audience users.

This is why I say it is not anyone’s fault!

At the same time, the end impact is still harmful on both companies that are trying to do the right thing in the world, and on people looking to engage with these types of businesses.

The bottom line is that accessible design must be addressed to maximize your sales and conversions.

How I can help you

The most common ways I work with organizations include services where I:

Most website visitors won’t complain if they can’t use your site properly.

They’ll just leave your site and seek out one of your competitors.

Potential return on your investment in working with me includes:

I invite you to invite me into your marketing and web development process!

Together we can improve your business’s website and social media in order to make sure that you aren’t excluding any website visitors who are looking to have a relationship with your business.

Usually what I do is book a short 20-min chat so that we can talk about your inclusivity and web design goals, and what’s standing in the way of making that happen. I’ll introduce myself and my approach a bit more. 

If it feels like a fit to both of us, we can schedule time to discuss the most popular services I offer.

This is not a sales call. This is an opportunity to determine if we’re a fit to work together.

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How we work together to create results

We will both bring our unique strengths to the table.

This looks like having:

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